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Bed bugs: back from the dead

Posted On: 09/04/2015

It seems that over the last decade there have been an increasing number of outbreaks of bed bugs in the Lexington area. A common saying most kids heard before lights out was a good night and a reminder to not let the bed bugs bite and most of us didnt realize the true impact of what was being said. A common misconception in regard to bed bugs is that only dirty or unkempt homes qualify for infestation of this pest to happen – that is simply untrue. Bed bugs can be found in many places including homes, hotels, city transit, and even movie theaters. Here is some valuable information about the outbreak of bed bugs in Lexington.

What are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are small, oval shaped insects (they look a lot like an apple seed) that live off the blood of humans and animals. They have piercing sucking mouthparts and the adults and nymphs feed on blood. Adult bed bugs are flat but after feeding they are plump and appear red. Bed bugs cannot fly but they are able to move quickly over floors, walls, and even ceilings. A female bed bug may lay hundreds of eggs over a lifetime. In favorable conditions a bed bug can become fully developed within a few months and produce three or more generations each year. Even though bed bugs are a nuisance, they do not transmit any diseases. They are creepy because they feed on you while you are sleeping and most of the time they do not even wake you up or create a skin reaction.

Where do Bed Bugs Hide?

Bed bugs can enter your home through luggage brought back from an infested hotel, clothing, used furniture, and many other items. Bed bugs typically hide in mattresses, box springs, headboards or overstuffed easy chairs or sofas, really any place people sleep. These hiding places are where they lay their eggs and they give bed bugs easy access to human beings on whom they feed while they sleep at night. Bed bugs can eventually move throughout the home or even through pipe chases and other accesses into other apartments or bedrooms.

How to Check for an Infestation:

Waking to itchy areas that werent present before you went to sleep, is a good sign that you may have a bed bug infestation. Blood stained pillow cases and sheets are good a sign that your bed is infested. Bed bug excrement may be present on sheets or in mattress piping. If you see any signs of this, call your local Truly Nolen Lexington exterminator immediately.

Arent Bed Bugs Difficult to Get Rid Of?

Bed bugs are notorious for being difficult to eliminate from a residence but it is not impossible. Truly Nolen knows what steps are needed in order to rid your home of these unwanted pests. Spending time trying to combat the problem on your own could potentially spread the infestation, making it harder to stop in the future.

Truly Nolen Lexington will provide an in-depth inspection and confirm the presence and extent of infestation of bed bugs within your home. While your first reaction might be to panic once you find out that you do in fact have bed bugs, take a deep breath and dont throw everything you own away – we can probably save it.

Our Truly technicians will treat your sleeping area including your mattress, box springs and the areas and upholstered furniture surrounding it. Bed bugs can move into closets where they can attach to clothing so our technicians will take time treating these areas as well. All crevices that are found in your walls where bed bugs can be hiding will be treated as well. A technician will make recommendations to you based on your personal needs and the severity of your infestation. A check-up will be scheduled to ensure that the infestation is under control and youre getting your home back.

Finding a bed bug infestation in your home can be an emotional and stress inducing situation. Let us take care of the problem for you. Call Truly Nolen Lexington for more information about our bed bug services at (859) 277-0716.

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