Bed bugs: what you should know
Posted On: 07/15/2015
2015 surveys conducted by NPMA and the University of Kentucky found startling facts/statistics regarding bed bug:
- 99.6% of pest control professionals treated bed bugs last year
- Bed bugs are found in all 50 states: From hotels to hospitals, to dorm rooms, and even prosthetic limbs!
- Although bed bugs are not a seasonal pest, 2/3 of all instances were reported during summer months
Whos At Risk?
- Frequent travelers, recent travelers, and residents living in cities that have high tourist activity like Orlando, San Diego, and New York
How Do I Get Bed Bugs?
- Attached to clothing
- Attach to luggage/baggage
- Hotel bedding
- Hotel furniture
How Can I Tell I Have Them?
- Cluster of red, itchy bite marks in an area after sleeping
- Small red to reddish brown spots either in bedding or on walls
- Molted bed bug skins or their white, sticky eggs/empty eggshells
What Should I Do?
- Wash bedding in hot water (113 degrees and above)
- Avoid placing clothing in hotel room dresser
- Keep luggage from touching hotel beds by placing it on luggage rack
- Unpack luggage without bringing bags inside house
- Contact your local Truly Nolen pest control expert