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Fall is here: lookout for common pests this season

Posted On: 11/24/2015

If you're already noticing a chill in the air and have an intense craving for everything pumpkin, then its time to say goodbye to summer and hello to the fall season. Though you'll be glad to be rid of pesky summer pests, the cooler months promise pest problems of their own. Here, Truly Nolen outlines the common types of pests found in the fall months, tell tale signs of what to look out for and pest hot spots in and around your home.


As the temperature drops outdoors, you wont be the only ones happy for the warmth your home provides. Mice, rats, squirrels, and raccoons will also look to find a warm, safe haven for the fall and winter months. Since rodents are one of the bigger pests prone to invading your home this fall, keeping a keen eye out for signs can help you identify a rodent problem before it gets out of hand:

  1. Rodent droppings- black in color and capsule shaped, you may notice these around food and water sources in your home or in attic or basement corners.
  2. Rodents will gnaw on wiring, PVC pipes, ducts, plumbing, and through insulation because they need to constantly wear their teeth down. Rodents will often chew through electrical wiring which can lead to electrical fires. Wires are covered with insulation in order to protect objects nearby from getting overheated. Rodents gnaw through the protective coating often leaving the hot metal exposed. With wires left exposed they often end up shorting out causing a spark, causing nearby objects to ignite.
  3. You may hear a scratching sound coming from your roof or attic. This is in fact the chewing noise that rodents make as they are having a field day with that insulation in your attic!
  4. Plumbing or wiring inspections may reveal a rodent problem. If it is brought to your attention that wires have been chewed through, address the wiring and rodent issue immediately.


As one of the main perpetrators of the spread of bacteria, pathogens and allergies, roaches are also likely to seek out protection from the cooler weather. Your home is the perfect environment. With access to water, food and shelter inside your home roaches are all too glad to stay close by. Here are some of the typical hot spots for roaches:

  • Cockroach droppings or dark spots may be near small cracks or openings or in corners of rooms. Droppings can also resemble ground pepper on counter tops and may give off a musty smell.
  • Empty egg cases from female roaches may be left behind.
  • Roaches gravitate to places that are more prone to moisture, such as pipes and faucets found under your sink. Roaches live in groups, so even if you only see one or two, chances are there are many more hiding behind the scenes.


Although intimidating, most spiders that enter your home (such as the common household spider) are not dangerous. Even though the majority of spiders are not dangerous they can be a sign that other pests are present in the home. Here are some of the typical places you might find spiders in your home:

  • Spiders are likely to make their homes in garages and attics, as well as near windows, eaves and doorways.
  • Certain spiders, such as the retreat spider, may also venture through cracks in wood flooring or shelving and in between furniture.
  • Where there are spider webs, there are spiders. Some webs represent the abandoned home from a previous set that may have exhausted its food supply in that particular area.
  • Keeping a close eye out in dark, moist areas such as garages, basements, window wells, and crawl spaces is also a way for homeowners to be aware of any spider activity that may be taking place.

Truly Nolen Treatment Approach

During the winter months, pests will aim to make their way inside your home as a means of protection from the outdoor elements, and to continue their feeding and breeding habits in a more controlled and comfortable environment. Based on this seasonal change in pest behavior and life cycle, Truly Nolen protocols adapt to meet the needs of homeowners looking for safe and effective pest treatment that will prevent and eradicate brewing infestations and eliminate pests inside the home.

Using advanced application methods and techniques, Truly Nolen's innovative approach to tackling fall and winter pests involves using naturally occurring and environmentally friendly products that work to minimize pest resistance over time. Your Truly Nolen professional will work with you to identify ways pests and rodents may get in your home in the first place. This method is a more proactive approach designed to keep working throughout the year.

Truly Nolens Fall Treatment Approach Includes:

  • Botanical aerosols to naturally eliminate pests hiding in closets or cabinets.
  • Removing spider webs from windows, beams and ceilings.
  • Setting of bait stations throughout the home, especially under bathroom and kitchen sinks.
  • Application of powder to treat pests hiding in smaller areas of the home (window and door frames, eaves and fixtures).
  • Placing monitoring stations in specific areas to trap pests.
  • Dust treatment in small crawl spaces and attic.

Through targeted methods and applications, Truly Nolen is able to keep your home pest free this fall and winter, allowing you and your family to enjoy the warmth and comfort of your home without the worrying about pests. Call Truly Nolen today to schedule your free inspection!

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